Kanna, also known as Sceletium Tortuosum is a narcotic plant from South Africa. It is believed that Kanna’s relaxing properties had been discovered by tribesmen 300 years ago. The tribesmen used the plant as a natural relaxant and mild recreational drug for pleasure by using it as a chew or snuff.
The effects of Kanna, depending on the dosage taken can range from giving a deep relaxation to a social buzz that often comes with an increased appreciation for the moment and the beauty of nature.
The Kanna UC extract is a pure and very concentrated extract that doesn’t contain any plant material. It is more potent with a faster onset as compared to Kanna powder or some other Kanna extracts. When used as a snuff, the onset of its effect is very rapid and very intense but doesn’t last too long.
We recommend using the Kanna UC extract in the form of capsules although it can be used as a snuff or snort as well. The best way to dose it can be if you use a capsule machine. This way you can make 6 to 7 dosages with approximately 150mg of Kanna UC extract per capsule. If used as a snuff or when snorted, the recommended single dosage for the Kanna UC extract is 75mg.
Contains 1 gram of ultra-concentrated Kanna UC extract.
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